Escape the Cursed Island Play Online

Walkthrough: Escape the Cursed Island

  • You wake up in a CAVE chained to the wall.  Read the NOTE written by Doctor Minstrel telling you that you must continually enter codes into the COMPUTER every couple of minutes or the volcano will explode.
  • Opposite you is a COMPUTER panel with a floor-to-ceiling window that gives a view into the heart of the volcano.  On the desk next to the COMPUTER is HALF AN EMPTY COCONUT being used as a pencil-holder.  Take the HALF AN EMPTY COCONUT.  Next to the window is a thermometer-like meter that charts the volcano’s pressure. As time progresses, the lava will rise in the chute, and the room gets hotter.  It will get so hot that you might pass out and lose the game. When you enter one part of the code into the computer, then the lava recedes back down the chute.  Next to the window is a LARGE METAL DOOR.
  • Looking at the wall next to the computer, you will see a STATUE of Dr. Minstrel, wearing a TIKI MASK and holding a spear.  Take the TIKI MASK.
  • Look up at the ceiling and notice that there is an indentation in the rock and that it is mask-shaped.  Put the TIKI MASK in the indentation, and the ceiling flips around revealing the first code, a BOAR and the number 1.
  • Return to the COMPUTER and press the BOAR key on the COMPUTER KEYBOARD.  The VOLCANO PRESSURE METER returns to ZERO PERCENT. The FIRST TREASURE MAP PIECE is attached to the wall.
  • Turn Right and notice a garden with a bunch of tropical flowers in it, each propped up by bamboo sticks.  One of the pots doesn’t have a flower, only a BAMBOO STICK, which you can take.
  • Click on the HALF AN EMPTY COCONUT in your inventory, then click on the BAMBOO STICK to create a COCONUT LADEL, which is then added to your inventory.
  • Turn left to face the mouth of the cave. Next to the mouth of the cave is a WATER BARREL, with a MINSTREL INITIATIVE LOGO on it.  Use the COCONUT LADEL to collect WATER
  • Turn left again to find a wall with a line of TIKI TORCHES.   Behind the torches are a series of wooden panels, five in total, that have painted on them a picture of Cursed Island.  You must douse the torches using the COCONUT LADEL to extinguish the TIKI TORCHES in a certain order to raise the correct panels to reach behind them and see the second clue.  The solution is to douse torch number 1 and torch number 5 to raise the 2 middle panels. Reach through the torches to the wall, where the SECOND TREASURE MAP PIECE hangs on the wall.  You will find the second code painted on the wall, a HORSE with a number 2 next to it.
  • Click on the FIRST TREASURE MAP PIECE and then the SECOND TREASURE MAP PIECE to create the TREASURE MAP.  Clicking on the Treasure map flips it over, and brings up a story written on the back about the Hawaiian gods, which is also a solution to the TOTEM POLE puzzle across the room. The clue is UHOA, MAUI, KORO, RONGO and PELE.
  • Find the wall with a set of TIKI TOTEM faces stacked in the corner, and an empty POLE rooted to the floor.  Using the clue from the TREASURE MAP, assemble the TOTEM POLE, and KORO’s mouth opens to reveal a SMALL WOODEN POLAR BEAR with the number 3 painted on it, and a SMALL KEY.  Take both these items.
  • Return to the computer and enter the final code BOAR, HORSE, POLAR BEAR, and the lava once again will recede.
  • Go back to the wall with the chain on it. Click on the chain to reveal the PADLOCK and CHAIN keeping you in the cave.
  • Unlock the PADLOCK using the SMALL KEY and run down the beach to escape on the PLANE.

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